On the invitation of UN-Habitat and RVO, Eva Pfannes spoke at two official Side Events of the upcoming UN-Habitat Assembly in Nairobi – ‘Innovation for better quality of life in cities and communities’.
The first event, hosted by UN-Habitat Urban Planning and Design Lab and moderated by Rogier van den Berg, was titled ‘Innovation in process and partnerships for transformative, data-driven and bankable urban projects’ and discussed a broad range of the Lab’s supported projects and programmes across the world. Under the theme ‘financing integrated urban projects’, Eva shared insights from the Water as Leverage programme (led by Henk Ovink) in Chennai, and the ongoing Ooze-led project City of 1,000 Tanks.
The second event, hosted by RVO and UN-Habitat, focused on the Water as Leverage project, giving an overview of the multi-disciplinary process and outputs from the research and design phases, as well as shared the systemic approach to urban water and climate challenges being developed. Dr. Jayshree Vencatesan, a member of the City of 1000 Tanks team also spoke at this event.
City of 1,000 Tanks looks to apply nature-based solutions to address water challenges and improve quality of life in the city. The team have been developing the project since July 2018 in close collaboration with local and international stakeholders. After a series of successful workshops and meetings with multi-lateral banks and funds in Singapore, the team are now working to bring the design towards implementation.
Speakers and participants at the Side Events included:
Side Event: 'Innovation in process and partnerships for transformative, data-driven and bankable urban projects'
Monday 27th May
Rogier van den Berg, UN-Habitat (Moderator)
Reinventing Process and Partnerships:
*Bernadette Villamizar UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Portfolio Manager Prosperity Fund, Global Future Cities Programme
*Brett Moore, UNHCR, Chief Shelter and Settlements Section and Global Shelter Cluster Co-lead
Utilizing Data and Frontier Technologies:
*Vincent Loubiere, AIRBUS, Director City Integration and Infrastructure Development
*Dr. Khalid Bin Mutlaq Al-Nafi'i, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Financing integrated urban projects
*Alice Gugelev, Director, Global Development Incubator
*Kofi Yeboah, Head of Spatial Planning Department, Takoradi City, Government of Ghana
*Eva Pfannes, Ooze architects, Water as Leverage Programme, multidisciplinary team lead
Side Event: 'Water as Leverage: Innovative processes and novel coalitions for resilient and transformative projects in South and Southeast Asia'
Tuesday 28th May
Rogier van den Berg, UN-Habitat (Moderator)
*Franciscus Albrecht Makken – Dutch Ambassador to Kenya
*Dennis van Peppen – Deputy Special Envoy for International Water Affairs
*Daviz Simango – Mayor of Beira, Mozambique
*Eva Pfannes – Director, Ooze Architects
*Dr. Jayshree Vencatesan – Managing Trustee, Care Earth Trust
*Marc Goichot – Lead Water & Energy, Greater Mekong, WWF
*S. M. Rezaul Karim, Honourable Minister, Ministry of Housing and Public Works, Bangladesh
*Shri Suneet Mehta, Deputy Secretary (H), MOHUA, India
City of 1,000 Tanks, Chennai